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Há também a palavra do dia em Word a Day, no Oxford English Dictionary, no Merriam-Webster e no, mas estes tendem a escolher palavras de origem latina, que podem soar obscuras aos anglófonos mas normalmente não para nós.usquebaugh[fr. Irish Gaelic uisce beathadh, water of life,
whiskey (translation of Medieval Latin aqua vitae)]
/OOS kwi bah/
Irish & Scots whiskey
"You are strangely giddy. I should have never
ordered you usquebaugh."
- Neal Stephenson, The System of the World
"The term aquavit, like eau de vie and usquebaugh (the
Gaelic word from which "whiskey" is derived), is from
the Latin aqua vitae, "water of life," and can vary
slightly in spelling (akvavit, aqvavit) depending on
its country of origin."
- Patrick J. Comiskey, L.A. Times June 7, 2005